This virtual workshop series, hosted by the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners, in partnership with Facilitating Power, builds facilitative leadership capacity among facilitators, organizers, leaders, and educators from (and accountable to) Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities. The content and approach are derived from the Community-Driven Resilience Planning Framework, with input from NACRP members, facilitators, advisors, and core partners. Learn more about community-driven planning here.
We encourage participants to register for the full series, which includes four 2.5 hour virtual workshops and four 90-minute applied practice peer cyphers held two weeks after each workshop.
Work within OR in partnership with one or more community-based organizations rooted in communities disproportionately burdened by pollution, toxins, displacement, and other impacts related to climate and racial injustice.
Are looking to play a facilitative leadership role in one or more of the following:
AND have an existing project or body work to which you could apply the content of the workshop series
Workshops are $100 each or $400 for the full series. A discount code is available for NACRP members. Join our community of practice and become a member today!
Sign-up for People's Climate Innovation Center's quarterly newsletter to receive updates. For questions about VPS, please contact us.
Register for VPS!